Coffee Club Token Airdrop Arrow


Snapshot for CNFT token holders was taken at 2:41 PT August 24, 2022. If you held CNFT (at least 400 tokens) at the time of this snapshot, you're eligible for receiving $COFFEE token. CNFT contract is


$COFFEE is the governance token for SocialFi application Coffee Club, a marketplace for token-gated Telegram private group chats and broadcast channels.

$COFFEE Token Metrics:

Uniswap - 15%, unlocked at TGE

CNFT Airdrop - 15% - 1/9 upfront, linear vesting over 9 months

Foundation 50% linear vesting over 24 months

Team - 5% linear vesting over 24 months

Liquidity & Market Making- 15% unlocked at TGE

This airdrop will expire 1 week after the last vesting date on the 9th installment.